Streaming Logs in Swift to the Cloud
Ahead of getting a few friends to be Tanagram‘s first users, I wanted to have streaming logs — logs that would show up automatically in a web service ~as soon as they were emitted. Since Tanagram is a currently a small project and is only a desktop app, I didn’t want to use expensive, enterprise-focused products like Splunk or Datadog, and I didn’t necessarily want to setup and navigate the complexity of a full cloud suite like AWS if I could help it.
I ended up finding HyperDX, which seemed like a nice fit for Tanagram — it had a sufficient free tier, and appeared to be simple enough for me to quickly start using it. However, their installation documentation didn’t have Swift-specific guidance, although they do support OpenTelemetry directly. Unfortunately, the OpenTelemetry documentation for logs in Swift is extremely lacking (as of this writing, it only says “The logs API & SDK are currently under development”, and … nothing else). I also found the OpenTelemetry-Swift documentation lacking in explanation about the difference between all the different classes and how they were meant to be used.
I decided that it seemed like a fun challenge, so I made a warm cup of coffee and gave myself a few hours to try to get a log line to appear in HyperDX. This is what I came up with (also available as a gist):
import Foundation
// Yes, you need to import all of these modules individually
import GRPC
import Logging
import NIO
import OpenTelemetryApi
import OpenTelemetrySdk
import OpenTelemetryProtocolExporterCommon
import OpenTelemetryProtocolExporterGrpc
// Implement a swift-log LogHandler so I can use the swift-log API as the frontend interface for callsites:
struct OTLog: Logging.LogHandler {
static func register() {
let configuration = ClientConnection.Configuration(
target: .hostAndPort("", 4317),
eventLoopGroup: MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1),
// Enable TLS to get through App Transport Security
tls: .init(),
backgroundActivityLogger: Logging.Logger(label: "io.grpc", factory: { StreamLogHandler.standardOutput(label: $0) })
let deploymentEnvironment = "debug"
let deploymentEnvironment = "release"
// Default metadata attributes that will be included with every log line
let resourceAttributes = [
ResourceAttributes.deploymentEnvironment.rawValue: AttributeValue.string(deploymentEnvironment),
ResourceAttributes.serviceName.rawValue: AttributeValue.string("\(ProcessInfo.processInfo.processName)"),
ResourceAttributes.telemetrySdkName.rawValue: AttributeValue.string("opentelemetry"),
ResourceAttributes.telemetrySdkLanguage.rawValue: AttributeValue.string("swift"),
ResourceAttributes.telemetrySdkVersion.rawValue: AttributeValue.string(Resource.OTEL_SWIFT_SDK_VERSION)
loggerProvider: LoggerProviderBuilder()
processors: [
logRecordExporter: GzippedOtlpLogExporter(
channel: ClientConnection(
configuration: configuration
// Set your API Key via the Authorization header
config: OtlpConfiguration(headers: [("authorization", "<YOUR_API_KEY>")]),
logger: Logging.Logger(label: "io.grpc", factory: { StreamLogHandler.standardOutput(label: $0) })
.with(resource: Resource(attributes: resourceAttributes))
static func `default`() -> Logging.Logger {
return Logging.Logger(label: "default")
private var eventProvider: any OpenTelemetryApi.Logger
// MARK: -
// MARK: swift-log LogHandler protocol
var metadata: Logging.Logger.Metadata
var logLevel: Logging.Logger.Level
init(label: String) {
self.eventProvider = OpenTelemetry.instance.loggerProvider
instrumentationScopeName: "<YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>"
self.metadata = .init()
self.logLevel = .debug
subscript(metadataKey key: String) -> Logging.Logger.Metadata.Value? {
get {
set(newValue) {
self.metadata[key] = newValue
func log(
level: Logging.Logger.Level,
message: Logging.Logger.Message,
metadata: Logging.Logger.Metadata?,
source: String,
file: String,
function: String,
line: UInt) {
var attributes: [String: AttributeValue] = [:]
if let nonNilMetadata = metadata {
for (key, value) in nonNilMetadata {
switch value {
case .string(let str):
attributes[key] = AttributeValue(str)
// TODO: Figure out other attribute values
// Convert severity from swift-log's enum to opentelemetry's enum
var severity: OpenTelemetryApi.Severity = .debug
switch level {
case .critical:
severity = .fatal
case .debug:
severity = .debug
case .error:
severity = .error
case .info:
severity = .info
case .notice:
severity = .info2
case .trace:
severity = .trace
case .warning:
severity = .warn
// Copied from the built-in OtlpLogExporter, except with Gzip compression specified
public class GzippedOtlpLogExporter: LogRecordExporter {
let channel: GRPCChannel
var logClient: Opentelemetry_Proto_Collector_Logs_V1_LogsServiceNIOClient
let config: OtlpConfiguration
var callOptions: CallOptions
public init(channel: GRPCChannel,
config: OtlpConfiguration = OtlpConfiguration(),
logger: Logging.Logger = Logging.Logger(label: "io.grpc", factory: { _ in SwiftLogNoOpLogHandler() }),
envVarHeaders: [(String, String)]? = EnvVarHeaders.attributes) { = channel
logClient = Opentelemetry_Proto_Collector_Logs_V1_LogsServiceNIOClient(channel: channel)
self.config = config
let userAgentHeader = (Constants.HTTP.userAgent, Headers.getUserAgentHeader())
if let headers = envVarHeaders {
var updatedHeaders = headers
callOptions = CallOptions(
customMetadata: HPACKHeaders(updatedHeaders),
messageEncoding: .enabled(ClientMessageEncoding.Configuration(forRequests: .gzip, decompressionLimit: .ratio(100))),
logger: logger
} else if let headers = config.headers {
var updatedHeaders = headers
callOptions = CallOptions(
customMetadata: HPACKHeaders(updatedHeaders),
messageEncoding: .enabled(ClientMessageEncoding.Configuration(forRequests: .gzip, decompressionLimit: .ratio(100))),
logger: logger
} else {
var headers = [(String, String)]()
callOptions = CallOptions(
customMetadata: HPACKHeaders(headers),
messageEncoding: .enabled(ClientMessageEncoding.Configuration(forRequests: .gzip, decompressionLimit: .ratio(100))),
logger: logger
public func export(logRecords: [ReadableLogRecord], explicitTimeout: TimeInterval? = nil) -> ExportResult {
let logRequest = Opentelemetry_Proto_Collector_Logs_V1_ExportLogsServiceRequest.with { request in
request.resourceLogs = LogRecordAdapter.toProtoResourceRecordLog(logRecordList: logRecords)
let timeout = min(explicitTimeout ?? TimeInterval.greatestFiniteMagnitude, config.timeout)
if timeout > 0 {
callOptions.timeLimit = TimeLimit.timeout(TimeAmount.nanoseconds(Int64(timeout.toNanoseconds)))
let export = logClient.export(logRequest, callOptions: callOptions)
do {
_ = try export.response.wait()
return .success
} catch {
return .failure
public func shutdown(explicitTimeout: TimeInterval? = nil) {
_ = channel.close()
public func forceFlush(explicitTimeout: TimeInterval? = nil) -> ExportResult {
I also had to add the following packages:
-, 1.9.2
-, 1.23.0
This code also uses swift-log to provide a consistent interface for logging callsites. This lets me use this code like this:
"triggerSearch: attempting to find an active Xcode window",
metadata: [
"frontmostApp": "\(String(describing: frontmostApp.bundleIdentifier))",
"focusedWindow": "\(String(describing: appElement.focusedWindow))",
"focusedWindowRect": "\(String(describing: appElement.focusedWindow?.rect?.debugDescription))",
"focusedWindowIdentifier": "\(String(describing: appElement.focusedWindow?.identifier))"
There’s a few important aspects of this code that were key to getting things working:
opentelemetry-swift depends on grpc-swift, but in my setup, grcp-swift wasn’t automatically installed. I’m not sure why. When I tried building documentation, the
import GRPC
line errored with “Missing required module CGRPCZlib”. Manually adding the grpc-swift package to my project fixed the error. - Although opentelemetry-swift is one package, it outputs many targets, all of which (that you’re using) need to be imported.
Setting an API key via an
header happens via an initializer parameter several data models down. I had to dig into opentelemetry-swift’s source to figure out the right place to set headers. -
Finally, I found an optional parameter on
that allowed me to enable TLS, which is required for getting through App Transport Security. Without this, trying to send logs would (by default) silently fail, or (with some internal logging) print a timeout error:io.grpc : error=RPC timed out before completing
It felt great to see my first log line show up!

I’m not an expert in any of this though, and it’s entirely possible I’ve done something wrong or misunderstood something. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or improvements.